The Pope of Trash 🦩 & dating reality TV [Like You Know Whatever]

Is our flag mid?

Hi friends!

Happy October! How are you?? I’m doing well! This is going to be a longer one to make up for last newsletter’s shorty. I seem to have recovered from my recent bout of writer’s block, thank goodness. Sometimes when I am feeling blocked, I tell myself, “Okay, Liz, now you’re FORBIDDEN to write for the next week.” It helps me to take the pressure off myself and focus on “input.” (Shoutout to Caitlin Kunkel for introducing me to that concept–check out her great newsletter Input/Output if you are a creative!) I almost always find that by the time I “allow” myself to write again, I’m all pent up with ideas and can’t wait to get some words down.

I was talking to another writer friend about this over dinner recently, and how even though I’ve had all this free time since I’ve been unemployed, I simply can’t write for eight hours a day straight on a regular basis. And she said that she thinks down time is actually essential to the creative process. I’m sure I’m going to misquote her, but she said something like writing doesn’t just happen when you’re sitting in front of your computer. You could be going for a walk, or doing dishes, or taking a shower, and things could be percolating in the back of your head. I like that.

We also happened to be interrupted during dinner by the happy news that the WGA had made a deal to resolve the strike, so we got to cheers to that! (Side note: if you go to Salazar, you MUST try their prickly pear margarita. Such a pretty color, and so tasty!) My friend has some major stuff in the works, so I’m really excited that she gets to move forward with that. And I get to move forward with querying agents for representation, which I am totally going to start doing. Soon. SAG-AFTRA still has to negotiate their contract, so productions can’t resume quite yet, but I’m hoping that will be settled soon, too, and then more places in the industry will start hiring, and then I can finally find a new day job. We shall see, but the situation is more hopeful than it’s been in months for sure.

I know that some of you have been waiting with bated breath to hear the latest update on my shitty apartment building (previous installment here). To recap, my husband Ross and I are fortunate enough to live in a 3BR/2BA apartment in Highland Park that costs the same as what many 1BR/1BA apartments are going for in our neighborhood now (got in on a pre-vaccine Covid rate). We love our neighborhood and each having our own office. However, there is a big trade-off, in that the building management sucks and takes forever to fix anything (we once went without having mailboxes for nearly four months), and we have shitty, loud neighbors.

The latest bullshit from the management company is that there is a crisis-level leak they’ve been working on in another apartment that has forced them to turn the water off, without warning, for hours and overnight over the past three days. My husband goes to the gym in the evenings, and he’s had to shower at a nearby friend’s apartment the last two nights! There was also an apparently unrelated issue with the garage door not opening which meant we had to park our car on the street. We also have a termite infestation in three rooms that they still haven’t treated yet, and it’s been hot, so they’ve been out. There are bugs crawling on my floor and I haven’t been able to properly brush my teeth in days. I am in hell!!!!

The one bright point is that this latest nonsense has finally convinced my husband that once our lease is up and I have a new job, we are out of here, even if it means downsizing. The cheap rent has been nice, but it’s not worth it for our sanity. We are on a lease until March and I’m currently unemployed, so we aren’t going anywhere for a few months. But at least the idea of moving makes me want to die slightly less than the idea of staying.

As for our neighbors, as some of you know, it really got rough about a year ago when a new family moved in. The mom and her male partner constantly fight and scream at each other in the halls and the front of the building, they blast bad music (and don’t even pay for Spotify Premium, so we hear ads), and their kids run around playing and shrieking in the parking garage in the center of the building, which is not only dangerous, but reverberates throughout the whole building! Sometimes the kids ding dong ditch us. One of them once asked me for money, I think for the ice cream truck. And they have a new baby, because of course they do, things were clearly going so well in their relationship already!

Well, the latest update is that on Labor Day, they had a full-on barbecue in the parking garage underneath the building. I don’t mean to be a total square, but I was worried about them catching the building on fire, because that’s something I could totally see them doing. That’s not okay, right? You don’t light up a grill where there are walls and a ceiling over you, right? I mean, we live in a neighborhood with many parks, I just don’t see the appeal of grilling up some burgers next to the dumpster and other people’s oil stains.

And then last Monday, when I went out for my morning walk, I walked past the parents waking and baking just outside the front of the building, taking rips from a full-on bong. Look, I’m pretty pro-weed, and I live in California, so I am often walking through clouds of other peoples’ weed smoke. I totally get that it can be medicinal for some people, but bringing a bong out to the sidewalk at 10:45 in the morning on a weekday is a bit much, no? It occurred to me that I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bong outdoors before.

The only thing I like about this family is that they have two pitbulls who are ADORABLE. One is a puppy, and OMG, it’s so cute! (They are always running around off-leash, of course.) Also, the kids are very sweet, they are just poorly behaved. I feel really bad for them that they’re in that situation with their adults always fighting. And no, we would never call building management or the cops on them, because we refuse to be Karens, but man, it is rough some days! At least they give me material to write about, I guess!

Good lord, let’s get into some things:

- @hehashispickle on Instagram. This IG account documents the undying love between a gray tuxedo cat and his toy pickle, which he loves to carry around in his mouth. That is all. That’s the whole thing. I love him.

- Cooking. I was utterly stumped on what to make for dinner last week, so I asked Ross if he had any suggestions, and he said maybe a grain bowl or salad. That inspired me to give this one-pot farro with tomatoes a go. I had never cooked farro before, but this recipe insisted it was easy, so I gave it a shot. I had to special order the farro from Amazon because my grocery store didn’t have it, but otherwise, the recipe was indeed very simple! You basically throw everything into a pot and simmer it. I was a little skeptical about simmering fresh onions and tomatoes with water, but it was super flavorful! We ate it as a vegetarian entree with a Caesar salad and had no leftovers, but in the future, I think it would do better as a side, maybe with some kind of caprese chicken breast or garlic shrimp situation. I also think it would be dynamite with some fresh mozzarella thrown in, or burrata on top. 

Ross also suggested salmon, so I decided to try a new recipe from Barefoot Contessa, roasted salmon with green herbs. It looked and tasted very gourmet, but was incredibly easy to make! I think this could be an impressive dinner party or date night option. I will say that the salmon ended up taking closer to 20 minutes in the oven to cook properly, but then, after resting, it was perfect. The only tweak I made was leaving out the scallions, because I just wasn’t feeling like onions that day. I served the salmon with these roasted carrots, which made use of the leftover fresh dill, and some pine nut couscous. Delish! 

I also got all the ingredients to make my famous chicken broccoli and wild rice casserole, although as I write this, it is still unclear if I’ll be able to make it tonight (still no water, and I need to at least wash the veggies and my hands). I shared a loose recipe for this in my newsletter way back in 2020, but here’s an updated recipe with firm measurements and everything (even metric!). It is hearty and cozy and warming in the way that only a casserole made with a canned soup can be, but it also contains lots of good whole grains, vegetables, and lean meat. You can also easily leave out the chicken or substitute a vegetarian “meat” option for a filling meatless meal. It’s also made even easier because I use Ben’s Original microwavable rice packets (TIL that Uncle Ben’s is now Ben’s Original). I also included a few ideas for tweaks on the recipe so you can customize it to your liking, in true Liz Galvao style! Let me know if you try it!

- John Waters: Pope of Trash at the Academy Museum (Los Angeles). I haven’t been to the Academy Museum since taking my parents there when they were visiting earlier this year (recap here), but once I heard they were doing a new John Waters retrospective, I knew I had to go back. I LOVE John Waters, his wit and irreverence and love of bad taste. I have a special place in my heart for true independent filmmakers, who made their first movies by scraping together a few bucks and calling in favors and asking their friends to act, because that’s the only way I’ve ever made anything. I really admire his career, how he’s been able to diversify into writing books, too. Pope of Trash takes up a whole floor of the museum with costumes and props and many, many legal pads with Waters’ notes on his various productions. A real highlight for me was seeing one of the original barf bags they passed out at the first screenings of Pink Flamingos. The exhibit runs until August 4, 2024, so you have some time to get there. I also highly recommend this interview Waters recently did with the New Yorker regarding the exhibit and his new star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame–be sure to read to the end!

- Tower 28 Beauty SOS Daily Skin Barrier Redness Recovery Moisturizer ($24). Tower 28’s skincare products have completely spoiled me. I have gotten SO lazy about skin care lately, and yet my skin is still in great shape because of their product line! After I wash my face, I just use the Tower 28 SOS Daily Rescue Facial Spray as a toner, then use this new-ish Tower 28 moisturizer, and that’s it! My serums are rotting away in my bathroom cabinet, because these two products have had such a major impact on reducing redness and making my skin tone more even! Now, I will say, the moisturizer is pretty expensive considering how small the container is, but a little bit goes a long way. And I actually prefer a smaller product considering how often I end up traveling. It also plays well under makeup. I just wish it were a scootch less pricey, because the first time I ordered it and opened up the box I was like, “Damn, that’s all?” But I do ultimately find it to be worth it. YMMV! (Bonus tip: there’s rumored to be a Sephora sale coming at the end of the month/early November, so if you wait for that, you can probably get a few dollars off.)

- The Golden Bachelor (ABC, Hulu). I was SO excited about this new, “mature” season of The Bachelor, which features Gerry, a 71 year-old widower looking for new love. I know from my Real Housewives addiction that older women can be just as messy and dramatic as young ones. However, I watched the first episode and the season preview, and I don’t know, y’all. I’m worried that this is going to be an incredibly boring season. Most of the women seem firmly hinged, and all of them are age-appropriate. They don’t even seem to be drinking to excess! I just wish they’d have thrown in one or two 25 year-old gold diggers for some spice. You know? I’ll give it a few more episodes, but I’m skeptical.

- Selling the OC, season two (Netflix). The drama and idiotic behavior continues on the second season of this Selling Sunset spin-off, much to my delight! Much of the drama centers around women flirting/making out with Tyler, who was in the process of divorcing Brittany Snow (I know!! How dare he?) during the filming of this season. Here are some thoughts:

- Kayla must be dumb as a box of rocks if she really doesn’t understand the difference between trying to kiss a married man without his consent and consensually making out with a man going through a divorce. I mean, c’mon Kayla. Rub your two brain cells together and figure it out.

- Alex Hall insinuating that she was scared of Brandi hitting her during an argument was sooooo uncool. You just do not toss around accusations of violence like that at a Black woman. So damaging. She’s an asshole, and practically the definition of “weaponized white woman tears.”

- I have to say though, I thought it was really prude and unrealistic of Brandi to say that people getting divorced shouldn’t date “until the ink is dry.” Divorces can take years to finalize! It took Bethenny Frankel eight years to finalize her divorce from Jason Hoppy! Some states require you to be separated for over a year before you can even file! That’s not to mention that for many people, by the time they finally separate or file, the relationship is long over. I just feel like she is not living in a grown-up reality. Hey, I love and respect marriage, too, blah blah blah, but I recognize that not every marriage works out the same way. Jeez.

- Speaking of marriage, Austin’s wife is perhaps the least emotive person I have ever seen on TV before. Also, the story he told about her locking her legs around him? At a minimum, that uhhhh does not sound very healthy, no?

- What the fuck was the point of having so many scenes with Ali this season? She doesn’t live in Orange County, she doesn’t have her real estate license. It’s not like her deciding whether or not to join the O group was some big fucking existential crisis. Girl was clearly cast, although I’m not sure why. Surely they could’ve found another actor who actually has their real estate license and lives a lot closer than Nashville. I could name like three I personally know in L.A. just off the top of my head.

- I am SO curious about who is going to buy all those multimillion-dollar houses in Cabo that they’re trying to offload! There is something so gross to me about selling such extravagant vacation homes in a country with such a high poverty rate, especially when the money is going back out of the country to the goddamn Oppenheim Group!

My husband and I visited Cabo a few years ago, and I have to say, it was my least favorite place I’ve been in Mexico so far. It was so touristy and resorty, and it felt like the only things to do there were to go clubbing or get wasted, and as a married couple in our 30s celebrating our anniversary, that just wasn’t our scene. Or, I should say, that’s for Cabo San Lucas. I actually really enjoyed the brief time we spent in San Jose del Cabo, it seemed more low-key and artsy, and we went to some cool and interesting restaurants. When I travel, I don’t want to be catered to as an American, I want authentic local flavor! Otherwise, what the hell am I getting on a plane for?

- Love Is Blind, season five (Netflix). I loved the first season of this reality dating show, and watched the second season, too (it was okay), but have not been able to get through any other seasons until now. I threw on the newest season in desperation for an easy watch and half paid attention to it while I scrolled on my phone… until episode three, when there was a big twist! Oooh! Juicy!

There are some interesting characters on this season, like J.P., who is never not wearing something in an American flag print. I find that to be a red flag (and white and blue) (sorry). Please don’t report me for treason, but I have never found the American flag to be very aesthetically pleasing. I think the original flag Betsy Ross made with the circle of stars is kind of cute, but the modern flag looks like something a 10 year-old made in MS Paint in about half an hour. It’s no Union Jack, let me tell you!! I love the beautiful minimalism of the Japanese flag, the dope eagle on the Mexican flag. Why can’t we have something cool like that? Bah! But I digress. J.P. also said that he didn’t like his partner, Taylor’s, makeup, preferring her to go bare-faced, and when she pushed back on that, he told her that 99% of women would love a man to tell them that they prefer them with no makeup. I have to vehemently disagree with this take!!! I think most women would not want a man to tell them that the way they do their makeup is unattractive. Besides, most women I know wear makeup for themselves, not to attract a man.

There is so much to talk about with this season, but one thing that really bugged me was how Stacey took Izzy to task for only having plastic plates in his home. Don’t get me wrong, I did laugh out loud when I saw all the Solo cups in his cupboard, but also like… he’s a dude living alone. Who cares?? Y’all are engaged, you’re probably going to register for a whole new set of china anyway. This is someone you’re supposed to be in love with, so why are you focusing on such superficial things?

This is going to surprise no one, but I also thought it was gross when she said that she expects him to pick up the check every single time they go out to dinner. Look, she’s entitled to have her laundry list of requirements for a relationship, I just don’t get it. You’re engaged, living together, and presumably building a life together with shared financials as a part of that. Even if he slaps his card down, it’s both of your money paying for the dinner. So what does it matter?

But then again, those “traditional” values have always been pretty foreign to me. I once dated a super sweet guy who was really into chivalry and paying for things and opening doors for me and everything. I felt bad because he was genuinely a great guy and so many women would love that, but it just made me SO uncomfortable. I am nobody’s princess. On one of my first “dates” with my husband (because what even is a date when you’re in college?), we were walking around the Vassar golf course at night and he made me laugh so hard I farted in front of him. I was mortified but played it off like, “Yeah, so what” and his reaction to that (laughing until he cried and saying “that was awesome”) let me know I was with the right person. I’ve lost touch with Super Sweet Guy, but I really hope he found the right person, too.

On that note, let’s leave it here. I’ll be back next week with this month’s paid newsletter, but even if you’re a free subscriber, you’ll be able to read the intro part.

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Until next time—long live trash!



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