Special Delivery 📬: Script templates & more!

Premium content just for you, as a paid LYKW subscriber.

Hi there!

You are receiving this email because you’re a paid subscriber to Like You Know Whatever. All paid subscribers will now have special access to the following premium content:

  • A script outline template

  • A script bible template

  • The completed outline for my script Dangerous Admissions, a “Lifetime movie” about the college admissions scandal featuring Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin (I thought it would be nice to have a completed sample)

  • The completed draft of Dangerous Admissions

You can find everything above in this Google Drive folder. Be sure to bookmark it!

I made the files view-only so that nobody edits them by mistake, but you should be able to download them, make copies in your Google Drive, whatever!

ENJOY! And thank you for being a paid subscriber. ❤️ Your support truly means the world to me.

I’ll talk to you more on Friday, when you’ll get this month’s premium newsletter!

Until then–happy writing!



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